Monday, June 27, 2011

Pirates take down the Red Sox

Sorry to my friends who happen to be Boston fans, but the idea that the Pittsburgh Pirates are over .500 in late June is as big for us, as breaking the, "Curse of the Bambino" was to Sox fans. To add more joy to the long suffering Pirate family is they took two out of three from the big, bad, Red Sox this past weekend. You see the Pirates entire roster makes about as much as the Boston bat boys do, so when we come away with victories, we are celebrating. I know the reality is that maybe, just maybe the Pirates could finish above five hundred for the first time since Jesus walked the earth and if they do they will display one of the great miracles, since Christ's time. I also know that the Red Sox will fight the Yankees and maybe the Rays for the opportunity to play in the fall classic. So forgive me my joyous moment, because I do fear that as the dog days of Summer returns the glass slipper will fall from the Pirates and shatter so many broken dreams we fans have. But for right now. GO BUCS!!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Good Luck to the Florida Gators In the CWS.

Yeah that's right, you did read what I wrote correctly. I do wish the Gators, " Good Luck" in their College World Series finals with South Carolina. I have a couple of reasons for rooting for the hated Gators. First it is a Florida team. I do want the teams in our state to do well. Second it is not football. Remember 31-7. FSU reigns supreme this year over Florida in the sport that really matters, football. Last and maybe the biggest reason to support UF is the fact they are playing Spurrier's school. I have never and will never support the Prince of Darkness, even if it is only the school he coaches at and does not directly benefit him.  There you have it. Go Gators!!!